
Sunday, August 08, 2004

The Dumb Leading the Dumb
In yesterday's Washington Post, one of the architects of the Bush Plan to Vanquish Evil, Douglas Feith, explained the war on terrorism to the masses who don't understand it (or who seem to be unaware of things he remembers that didn't really happen). Today, Josh Marshall analyzes Feith's column and finds it typical of the crude, inconsistent definition of "terrorists" and the terrorist threat that the administration has pushed for nearly three years. Marshall says the administration hasn't simplified the issues to make them easier for public consumption--they actually believe things are as simple as they've made them out to be.

Earlier this week, the Center for American Progress reported two quotes about Feith. The first was from Donald Rumsfeld, who called him "without question one of the most brilliant individuals in government." The second was from the newly published autobiography of General Tommy Franks, the now-retired top commander of the war in Iraq, who wrote that Feith was "getting a reputation around here as the dumbest (expletive) guy on the planet." Those who can, do. Those who can't do, become Pentagon bigshots.

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