Monday, August 30, 2004
Mud Wrestling
Lots of bloggers are on the astounding statement from Dennis Hastert linking George Soros of America Coming Together with the drug trade. Imagine the conniptions if it had been a Democratic leader making such an accusation about a major Republican activist. Wingnut outrage would have been audible everywhere without a radio. Imagine further what would happen if Kerry had said what Bush did this morning, about the war on terror being unwinnable, now that 1,000 lives and $135 billion have been spent. The newest blogger at Best of the Blogs, Jeff Popovich, wonders how--and whether--the left should use Bush's statement against him. Do we get down in the dirt and wrestle like the Repugs would if the shoe were on the other foot? Or is that what the Repugs want, because they're so much better at it than we are?
Programming Note: Starting tomorrow, I am going to be spending much of this week in Iowa. (I intend to try posting from there as best I can.) My timing is pretty good, as it seems some of the state's wackier wingnuts will be at the Republican Convention. Michael Crowley is blogging the convention for the New Republic (I guess there really are bloggers in New York after all), and he dropped by a meeting of the Iowa delegation this morning, at which the state party's acting chairman reminded the assembled that "This is the GOP: God's Official Party." More proof that Bush's strategy is not to focus on swing voters. John Kerry can have the swing voters. Bush and Karl Rove want as many religious conservatives as possible to march to the polls for him and Jesus.
(Of the many things falling on deaf ears in New York this week--the large increases in the number of people in poverty and without health insurance, the likelihood that the 1,000th American soldier will die in Iraq, and a new Bush flip-flop on global warming, to name but three--the message contained in this flash animation from the people at Sojourners may be the most basic and critical, and the single one to which many of the delegates are the most deaf.)
New tonight on The Hits Just Keep On Comin': Father's Day.
Lots of bloggers are on the astounding statement from Dennis Hastert linking George Soros of America Coming Together with the drug trade. Imagine the conniptions if it had been a Democratic leader making such an accusation about a major Republican activist. Wingnut outrage would have been audible everywhere without a radio. Imagine further what would happen if Kerry had said what Bush did this morning, about the war on terror being unwinnable, now that 1,000 lives and $135 billion have been spent. The newest blogger at Best of the Blogs, Jeff Popovich, wonders how--and whether--the left should use Bush's statement against him. Do we get down in the dirt and wrestle like the Repugs would if the shoe were on the other foot? Or is that what the Repugs want, because they're so much better at it than we are?
Programming Note: Starting tomorrow, I am going to be spending much of this week in Iowa. (I intend to try posting from there as best I can.) My timing is pretty good, as it seems some of the state's wackier wingnuts will be at the Republican Convention. Michael Crowley is blogging the convention for the New Republic (I guess there really are bloggers in New York after all), and he dropped by a meeting of the Iowa delegation this morning, at which the state party's acting chairman reminded the assembled that "This is the GOP: God's Official Party." More proof that Bush's strategy is not to focus on swing voters. John Kerry can have the swing voters. Bush and Karl Rove want as many religious conservatives as possible to march to the polls for him and Jesus.
(Of the many things falling on deaf ears in New York this week--the large increases in the number of people in poverty and without health insurance, the likelihood that the 1,000th American soldier will die in Iraq, and a new Bush flip-flop on global warming, to name but three--the message contained in this flash animation from the people at Sojourners may be the most basic and critical, and the single one to which many of the delegates are the most deaf.)
New tonight on The Hits Just Keep On Comin': Father's Day.