
Sunday, August 22, 2004

Now Playing All Over the World
In the interest of broadening the reach of this bilge, there are some new options for reading it. If you use a newsreader to read blogs, this site is now syndicated. A newsreader is a little bit like an e-mail program, only it picks up posts from any blogs you choose and aggregates them for easy reading--in essence, instead of searching for new posts, the new posts come to you. Bloglines, for example, is a web-based service that does this--pretty convenient if you have several blogs you like to read regularly.

If you're sick of the orange on my main page (and who isn't?), you can click "XML Site Feed" under the heading "What's All This Then?" to see a different version of the blog--although it may direct you back here if you want to read whole entries.

And finally if you use My Yahoo to create your own personalized news portal page (which I have done for years, and which I highly recommend), you can now put headlines from this blog directly on your My Yahoo page, along with many other far superior blogs, such as Talking Points Memo, Daily Kos, Wonkette, Eschaton, and Political Animal. As I post tonight, My Yahoo is not permitting new configurations of this feed (known as an RSS Feed), but if you have a My Yahoo RSS Feed already, you can add this blog by copying the following URL into the "Add new sources" box: http://feeds.feedburner.com/TheDailyAneurysmAtJabartlettcom, and then click "Search."

Damn, I love the 21st century. All except for the noise and the speed and the Republicans.

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