
Saturday, September 18, 2004

Permanent Revolution
"Love the sinner, hate the sin." Conservative Christians often hold this up as a guiding bit of philosophy. "We oppose your sinful act, but we have no problem with you personally. In fact, we love you, and because we don't want you to burn in Hell for all eternity, we want to make it so you can't commit that sin anymore." In this way, conservative Christians can make war on stuff they don't like without feeling as though they are singling out individuals personally. But get a load of this: Lean Left reports that while the Supreme Court of California annulled all the same-sex marriages performed last spring after San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsome permitted licenses to be issued, a state judge in New York refused to do the same after the mayor of New Paltz, New York, permitted same-sex marriages there. The judge said the marriages themselves can't be annulled by judicial fiat because the couples involved weren't party to the lawsuit filed against the mayor by a conservative group. So guess what--said conservative group is now planning to go after the individual couples themselves. "Vile" is too weak a word to describe this cruel and hateful action. As Kevin at Lean Left puts it, "Remember, the war's not over until you hunt down each and every one of the enemy and hurt them as badly as you can. Plenty of hatin' still left to do."

Lean Left also has an amusing list of other things conservatives are boycotting, in addition to the Procter and Gamble boycott announced this week. (Haven't the wingnuts been boycotting Procter and Gamble for a while now? There have been rumors since the early 80s that the company's old moon-and-stars logo meant it was run by Satanists.) We're adding Lean Left to the blogroll.

Quote of the Day: In an interview with Salon regarding his new book Chain of Command: The Road from 9/11 to Abu Ghraib, Seymour Hersh reminds us that for all the talk about the liars in the White House, we should remember one thing--the people in charge of Iraq policy, at least, aren't technically lying, because they believe everything they ever said, and they still do.
Wouldn't it be great if the reality was that they were lying about WMD, and they really didn't believe that democracy would come when they invaded Iraq, and you could go to war with 5,000 troops, a few special forces, a few bombs and a lot of American flags, and Iraq would fold, Saddam would be driven out, a new Baath Party would emerge that's moderate? Democracy would flow like water out of a fountain. These guys believe it. They believe WMD. There's no fallback with these guys. These guys are utopians. They're like Trotskyites. They believe in permanent revolution.
New at The Hits Just Keep On Comin': Old School.

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