
Sunday, September 12, 2004

Talk Amongst Yourselves
I will be traveling again this coming week, getting out of town just as the campaigners descend on us like locusts. Laura Bush will be looking sedated tomorrow at a hotel less than a mile from my house; John Kerry will hold a rally on the Capitol lawn on Wednesday, with special guest Sheryl Crow. (The Mrs. is planning to attend; she saw Clinton in 1992 and he won, but didn't see Gore in 2000, and he lost. Honey, you better get there--it's all up to you.) Elizabeth Edwards and Ralph Nader will be appearing here this week, too--not on the same stage, although wouldn't that be entertaining.

We finally have our primary election up here on Tuesday. Today, the Wisconsin State Journal endorsed State Senator Bob Welch for the Republican nom to oppose Russ Feingold and small-town radio mogul Dave Magnum for the Republican nom to face Tammy Baldwin. (The paper did note, however, that Magnum is more slick than substantive, and that one of the things that makes him attractive as a candidate is that his opponent, Ron Greer, is completely batshit. I have frequently wanted to throw heavy objects at my TV during Magnum's ads, which lament rising deficits and wasteful government spending. How any Republican running in the Bush era can say that without his tongue snapping off its roller I cannot imagine.)

I have already cast my absentee ballot in my State Assembly district, where Sondy Pope-Roberts, the only Democrat to defeat an incumbent Republican for Assembly in 2002, has a primary challenge from a guy who's running against her for no clear purpose. He's critical of the Assembly for wasting time on same-sex marriage, a concealed-carry bill, and a Constitutional amendment to limit taxes--none of which is Pope-Roberts' fault. My theory is that she failed to return one of his phone calls, so he decided to run against her.

Like last week, I intend to post from the road when possible; like last week, I may not live up to my best intentions. So it's time once for you to carry on with what we in the blog biz call an open thread. Talk about whatever you like. The sorry spectacle of Colin Powell, North Korea's nukes, John Kerry's newfound fighting spirit, how it is that Bush's National Guard service is less important to the media than a hurricane in Florida, or any other damn thing that interests you. Just talk. You know you want to.

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